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The Fish Child

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The Fish Child (2009)

Release : 2009-02-06
Genre : Drama, Thriller, Romance
Runtime : 96 minutes
Home Page : http://www.thefishchild.com/
Company : Wanda Visión S.A., Historias Cinematograficas Cinemania, Ibermedia, Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales, MK2 Productions, Televisión Española
Cast : Inés Efron, Mariela Vitale, Pep Munné, Diego Velázquez, Carlos Bardem

A desperate love story between two young girls of extremely different social backgrounds who, unable to find a place for their love in the world they live in, are pushed to commit a crime.

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