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Posted on March 04, 2019
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Watch El siete machos (1951) Full Movie and Download. El siete machos can be access for free registering. Streaming El siete machos with 720p Quality.
El siete machos (1951)
Release : 1951-02-05 Genre : Comedy, Western Runtime : 108 minutes Home Page : Company : Posa Films Cast : Cantinflas, Alma Rosa Aguirre, Miguel Inclán, Miguel Ángel Ferriz, Delia Magaña
Rosario, the niece of the rancher, returns to the ranch after ten years of absence. She takes in Margarito, a worker at the ranch, who is immediately smitten by her. Rosario is rescued from a runaway horse by the Seven Men, an outlaw a la Robin Hood that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He also happens to be the twin brother of Margarito, unbeknownst to him. The confusion between Margarito and the Seven Men generates great comical situations in the film.
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